Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 6: Blow darts, with a little more practice I think I could be dangerous.....

We got to Berlin late last night and then started early this morning at the Institute for Zoo and Wildlife research. We had a very fascinating presentation by one of the researchers. He talked about the work that they do there and also showed us some behind the scenes footage from the filming of the series "In the womb" on the Nat Geo channel. The team there did all the ultrasound work for the animal episodes. When we finished witht hat presentation we went outside for some blow pipe darting practice. I darted an elephant! Or at least a picture of one and I was the only one to hit him in the right spot. Chalk one up for country people. We left after that by way of the Tiergarten, one of the two zoos in Berlin, on our way to THE Berlin Zoo. There we got a personal tour of some of the Zoo by Dr. Andre Schuler, a vet at the zoo. After that we took a bike tour of Berlin. We saw lots of historic places including the Reichstag building,the Anatomical Theater at the Berlin Vet school (old East Germany), the Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie, the Berlin wall, Hitlers bunker and Humboldt University. The tour was neat but by the end my knee was killing me and we didn't get back until nearly midnight.

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