Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 7: Sleep Deprivation, fat cats and a train to the Czech Republic

Our day started way too early for me. After about 5 hours of sleep we left the hotel Alex for the vet school in Berlin and started our tour there with the Equine hospital. After a nice chat with some of their 4th year equivalents we went to the radiology department. The presentation there was really interesting but they put us in a room and turned off all the lights and I kept nodding off. After lunch we did the small animal hospital. The people there were really nice and had older but still very nice facilities. While we were there we got to meet their five retired blood doner cats who obviously don't miss any meals! We finished our tour there with just enough time to catch a train back to Berlin HBF (Cantral Station). Now, I'm on a train to Prague!

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