Monday, May 16, 2011


We finally arrived in Germany! We are staying in Bonn, the old capital of Germany. It is funny to think of this small, sleepy but beautiful town as the heart of the former west Germany. I was really surprised to see how fun and full of life these people are, even with the cold rainy days that we have experienced so far on the trip. It feels exactly like our winter in Texas! While walking around this city, I feel a mixture of history with the intellectual energy from the university students.

I was also very excited to visit the organic or "bio" farm on Monday. I knew that Germans supported their bio farms more than in the USA, but it was so great to see it first hand. Some of the discoveries were a bit shocking, however, like sheep without docked tails! But mostly it was really great to see how the animal welfare conscious system in Germany has lead to the creation of farms dedicated to improved treatment of farm animals. It is definitely a great goal, that I hope Americans could someday strive towards!

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