Friday, May 27, 2011

Willy Wattwurm!

And we are on the island of Nordeney!

I have to say that my first impression is that of the northwest corner of Washington State. It is cold, windy, and rainy. Not unlike where you might want to write a vampire book! ;)
At the same time I am thinking about vampires, I am also trying to realize that for the people and animals that live on this island, this place is home.

On the way up to the island we saw baby seals! aka Heuler! The gulls (Moewe) rode with the boat reminded me a bit of our own Moewen back home.

After dropping off our huge backpacks at the hostel, it was time for the Wattwanderung! I must say how proud I am of everyone! It was not easy to go out walking in mud flats when it is so cold that the only really rational way to spend the day is inside looking out of the window with a nice hot chocolate. However, I will honestly say that the Watt (mud flat) was amazing!

The first animals that we saw were the Geese and their offspring! Then our fearless, weather beaten leader said that if we really wanted to experience the Watt, we should take off our shoes. Shivering but still ready for an adventure, all of us then removed our shoes and waited for the next command. At which point we were instructed to go into a single line, touch the person in front of us, and close our eyes as our guide led us into the Watt....

My first impression of the Watt was how surprisingly warm the mud was! My second was that I have always been a bit worried about large bodies of water due to my being a born and raised desert rat! But after overcoming my fear and trusting in both my fellow students and in our guide, I made it too, eyes closed, into the Watt!

After becoming adjusted to the large area of Watt, we finally got to see the Wattwurm! I have to say that this animal now has a special place in my heart. We all got to dig them up, learn about their biology, and play with the Wattwurms. The Wattwurm adventure ended by racing the Wattwurms into the sand! My wurm (worm) didn't win but I still feel like he/she made a great effort!

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