Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 12: This right here made the whole trip worth it!

Today was all about my favorite things, cows and repro. We started with a tour of the cattle clinic which to me looked more like a horse clinic with all the box stalls and automatic waterers. It was mostly dairy cattle so I felt right at home. their cannulated cow is HUGE and they have several blood donor cows as well. I dont know if they have a Bangs problem but they have a bigger IBR problem then we do. After our tour we went to see their repro barn with their collection dummies and their embryo lab. While in the embryo lab we had to wear disposable coveralls which made us look like 00mpa loomas The professor in the embryo lab showed us the equipment and procedure for ultrasound guided trans vaginal follicle aspiration and then let us have a try if we wanted. I got to go first and I successfully aspirated a follicle. this just confirms to me that I need to go into repro. It was so much fun. After the cows we went to the stallion testing station and got to see the grounds and some of the studs. They also collected a stud for us and gave us a ppt on their techniques and horse breeding in Germany. I need to bring T back here some day, I know she would love it!

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