Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pre-Departure Craziness!

So here's the current situation: My Germany bag (one I borrowed from a friend and subsequently only picked up on Sunday) is sitting at home completely empty. There are clothes scattered to every corner of my room in Plano, as I tried to get things sorted into piles for what I absolutely need to take. And at the moment, I am blogging from Lawrence, KS. As you can imagine, that makes it mildly difficult to pack. Unfortunately, I won't be getting back until Thursday afternoon, so I will have a whole 12 hours to pack...here's to hoping I don't forget anything!

But amid the mild panic of packing my entire life for the next 5 weeks into one large-ish backpack and a single carry-on bag, I keep having these random moments where I realize that for those 5 weeks I'll be in Europe. It's kind of a surreal realization (not altogether different from what I felt last summer after getting into vet school...until the work started). I have been to Europe before, but both were short trips, and I was confined mostly to the UK, and so, with the exception of one whirlwind day in Paris, I haven't had to deal with the language barrier. Not gonna lie, I'm more than a little nervous about that. And about getting around on my own on an unfamiliar traveling system. But at the same time, I'm exhilarated to have this opportunity at all.

I'm really looking forward to getting to know my fellow 2VMs (!) that I haven't gotten to know as well over the last year, and the 3VMs that are joining us. I'm also excited about getting to spend some time with German students our own age in their own city and school. But most of all I'm just looking forward to experiencing Europe as I haven't been able to do before.

See y'all on the flip side!

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