Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 4: Gargoyles with cell phones?

We caught the train from Bonn to Cologne today to see the Cologne Zoo and Bodyworlds Animals exibit. The zoo was very nice and they had Okapi! The Bodyworlds exhibit was very cool and at the same time slightly disturbing. Who comes up with this stuff?! After that we took a rooftop tour of the Cologne cathedtal or "The Dom" as the locals call it. While on the tour we went to a room used to store examples of the decorations on the cathedral used by repair workers as templates. Apparently the workers used to get bored carving the same old stuff so they got imaginative and started making more "modern" gargoyles. Also if you were an important figure in the history of the Dom you used to get your likeness carved as a decoration. They have stopped that practice but not before gargoyles wearing hard hats, gargoyles with cell phones and The Three Stooges amongst others were incorporated into the architecture.

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