Monday, June 6, 2011

Momma Mia Venezia!

Bonjourno! I'm here reporting back from an incredibly eventful Italian weekend. It started off pretty rough with a chaotic night in Milano, and ended with a train ride from Hades! But everything in between these two events was great. We stayed about 1 hour outside of Venice in the beautiful little town of Sacile where we had a wonderful Italian meal prepared by a British man... I know, weird right? Venice is quite a touristy place, but that worked for us because that's why we were there, to embrace tourism at its finest. We went out to Murano, the small island off of Venice's mainland, that is famous for beautiful hand blown/handcrafted glass, which by the way make FANTASTIC souvenirs! We also got to see a craftsman blow the glass in person, as well as crafting a glass horse in minutes, it was really amazing. We also listened to the orchestras playing in St. Mark's Square... but no pigeon feeding for me. It goes without saying that I also enjoyed my share of shopping, pizza, and gelatto while in Italy :)

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