Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 24: Bodily fluids and body parts are NOT art!!!!

We went to the Zoo in Arnhem today which was not quite as nice as the others we had visited but it did have a nice aquarium. Had I known how the rest of the day was going to play out though I would have “missed” the buss so I could stay there. After leaving the zoo we went to a national park for yet another *groan* bike ride. I didn’t have any warning about this one so I didn’t take any meds before we started. My knee was killing me by the time we got finished. After said bike ride we went to the “art” museum. There was a highly disturbing and somewhat pornographic modern art exhibit there with pieces made from blood, urine, ejaculate and various beetle parts. There were also other disturbing things there that don’t bear mentioning. After we got through that mess Neils was nice enough to buy us all a snack and then we had about 15-20 min to see all of the Van Gogh, Renoir and Monet which were exquisite. My vote would have been to stay at the zoo though. After that we traveled to Utrecth where I met my next host Roxanne and her cat Knut and her turtle Mrs. Humphries. Roxanne was cool and it was really nice of her and her two other roommates to let the three of us crash at their place.

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