Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Badersleben, and Auf Wiedersehen Hannover, 5-26-11

Today, we visited the Tierartzmuseum in Badersleben, and it was incredible!!! We got to see many of the old veterinary tools that were used in East Germany during the time of the separation. The man who owns the museum was a veterinarian at the time of the separate Germany, and he shared with us some stories of his time in practice. He had to make his own pump syringe once, out of tractor parts because in East Germany they weren't allow to buy pump syringes. He also told us about the special passes he had to have when he went to ranches within 5 kilometers of the wall, because people were not allowed to go that close to the wall without a reason. The East German Government didn't want anyone to escape into the west, so they monitored this very closely.
Next to the museum was an old fashioned functioning water mill, and we got to tour the facility, and see the mill in action! It was a really neat experience.
Later we went to a vet school party, that was held in the cattle clinic at the vet school. It was a really neat experience, but one of the strangest things I have ever done. the end.

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