Though the title probably does a good job setting the tone for this post, it’s probably best to state outright, that this post will not be a cheerful sunny walk in the park…much like the trek my weekend group and I just endured.
After the two Italy weekend groups met up in Venecia and had a quick dinner on the steps of the Venecia S.L., we made our way to the Venecia Meastr. Station. We picked up our luggage, found our platform, and set-up camp at around 10pm. Suddenly, it started to rain. Our whole group agreed on just how lucky we were that the rain didn’t start until after our weekends were over and we started to leave Italy. But then it started to rain even harder. And so the excursion from hell began…
We very smartly decided to take all our baggage and hide from the rain in the underground tunnels connecting all the platforms, as do most of the other folks waiting for their night trains. The rain became so strong the station’s power went out and the underground tunnel began to flood. Looking back on this, we really should have seen this as an omen of what was to come. Luckily, we, as well as our luggage, were far enough away from the flooded areas that we suffered no water damage.
Finally, our train arrived…3 wagons short. Thankfully, our wagon was one of those still attached to the train; however, it took us about 30 minutes to get onto our train because it was jam packed with people. Why, you ask? Because the Italian train conductors decided to have a strike. This left only our night train running that night. (That’s 1 of 3 night trains each with about 20 wagons each holding hundreds of people, for those of you counting.)
After literally shoving our way onto the train and into our wagon, we realized that even though we had seats reserved, people were sitting in them and were very reluctant to relinquish them to us, their rightful owners for the evening. After finally arguing and getting people out of our wagon, we attempted to stuff all our baggage into a very small area of the wagon. With the mass of people both inside and outside our wagon there was no way of being successful at sleeping.
Finally, we reached Verona, where the majority of the “overflow” people got off to catch their connecting trains. At this stop, half our train left to go to Switzerland, while our half (waiting to go to Munchen, Germany) sat waiting on the tracks…for about an hour. Apparently, we were waiting for our ENGINE to arrive from Rome. Not knowing this was normal, we feared the worst. After our Roman engine finally made its way to Verona and we get trucking, we all attempt to go back to sleep. Only to be awoken by about 3 or 4 train conductors checking our tickets throughout the night, the border patrol, and the police. Finally, we thought we were home free, and attempted to salvage any sleep we could…only to be awoken by the Austrian train conductor, a country, which of course our Eurails did not cover. So after paying a 24euro fee, we again attempt to go to back to sleep…but of course to no avail.
Next, we reach Munchen at about 630am (on time for our connecting train, a miracle!!), where we thought we would be able to get some peace and quiet. WE WERE DEAD WRONG. We walk to our reserved seats to find about 8 Chinese people sitting in our seats. I finally realized they were Chinese and explained to them that most of the train was reserved for those who paid…but they only listened enough to move out of our seats and into other people’s reserved seats. Our wagon became mass chaos, once again. About 15 of them took over the wagon screaming and complaining about how there were no seats for them. But Germans, being the straight laced people they are, put them in their place, and rightfully took their reserved seats! :D
After they finally get off, we attempted to sleep only to be awoken by 2 more train conductors checking our tickets. We finally reached Dusseldorf, where most of the chaos died down, thankfully, we were able to grab a quick lunch and breath NON-train, fresh air for a few hours before hoping yet another train to our final destination, Arnhem, The Netherlands.
Of course, it wouldn’t be the perfect trip from hell with out countless stairs up and down the Arnhem train station before we finally reach the train station where we had to ask random people which train to get on and where to pay. When we finally get off at the correct stop, we walk up hill (of course) towards our hotel. And here we are, tired, sweaty, stinky (I’m sure), grumpy, and just grateful to see a bed and shower.
And thus, we reach the end of our excursion from hell.
To be fair however, the weather while we were in Italy was amazing!! The sun was out, the rays were a-tanning, and the sky was clear. Weather was something our group had been worried about because even up to the day we left, the weatherman forecasted an entire weekend of rain and clouds. If only we knew then what we know now, right?
More on our trip in Italy in the next post! Stay tuned!
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