Saturday, June 11, 2011

Back to the States

Well it is the end of our 4 week excursion & it is a bitter sweet ending. I just arrived into New York for our connecting flight & have already hit a hiccup. I did not realize that you have to get your own luggage again when you enter into the country & re-check it. Well I already went through customs & they told me I couldn't go back to get it. No big deal. I can wait a couple of days for it. The problem I kept running into was that the 3-4 people I had to talk with about this problem were all NOTvery helpful & we rude about the whole ordeal. There were no announcements made or big signs posted. I have traveled abroad before & never had to recheck my luggage once entering the country. Oh well. Like I said it wasn' t so much the idea of not getting my luggage once we stein Houston, it was the idea that no one showed compassion or understanding & was rude about the whole situation. No wonder people from outside of America think we are rude. What a great welcoming home!

Needless to say, it will not damper my day. I am excited to be back. However, I do miss some of it already. It was a great trip & I have come away with a plethora of knowledge...some of which will have to be retrieved from memory later. Dr. Wassar & Lena Schnabel made the program even better. They both were very knowledgeable & helpful throughout the entire program.

Utrecht was by far my favorite place to visit. The students had a soccer game & they allowed me to play in the 2 games that they had. It was so much fun despite the language barrier. It was fun though to see that the game of futbol itself has the same language on the pitch. The Dutch girls are tall though. Wow!

I have met a lot of new friends... Not only in Europe, but also from my own vet school. All the students on this trip were so much fun! We all grew closer to one another and by the end, i think we were more like sisters with 1 brother.

I will definitely recommend this program to future students & will be happy to provide any advice that I can. Thanks again for the wonderful experience. I truly believe that everyone should go abroad at least once to experience the rest of the world & partake of their beautiful cultures.

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