Saturday, May 23, 2009

"We are walking on the ruins of yesterday..." -Olaf

I don’t know what I expected Germany to be like, but it definitely was not this. As I took the train from the airport in Frankfurt to Bonn, there were beautiful rolling hills, green fields, and cute quant houses. This is definitely going to be a trip of a lifetime. As I waited at the train station to go to AIB, I ate my first (I’m sure of many) laugenbrezel—how could I go to Germany and not?

Having been in Germany for approximately 3.5 days, my fears of not knowing the language have been reduced. However, that does not stop my motivation to soak up as much as I can while I am here. I have found the language more difficult than any other I have studied to pronounce and remember. I am determined to go back to the US with at least a few phrases, counting, and any random words committed to memory.

I have really enjoyed and learned so much so far on the trip. This has especially been enhanced by the interaction with people from the area who can teach us— such as Stefanie and Olaf. I feel like it gives us the opportunity to not only see the tourist sites, but the local spots as well. There was something very fitting and yet very different from the US about sitting next to the Rhine in Koln, drinking a Kolsch, and eating gulash.

The time we spent in Bonn was very interesting. I enjoyed the different perspective we received from the organic farm and homeopathy discussions. I think it is really important as a professional to at least have knowledge of these alternative tracks. Although, not everyone agrees with their use, our main goal is to give the best care to our patients, while respecting the owner’s wishes. Being able to give options for care and respect to clients is so important. Even though I may not completely understand the use of these alternatives, at least I have a good base and working knowledge, so when I go back to the US I can expand my knowledge further. I am now interested to see how these services are used in the US.

Here’s to many more adventures to look forward to!

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