Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Look out, Europe...I'm Baaack!

Now that I am finally getting my act together and solidifying plans for our free weekends, I am realizing how truly excited I am to go back to Europe. I have been to many places there, but never to Germany, Switzerland, or the Netherlands before, and I absolutely cannot wait. My mother, on the other hand, is pretty much dreading my departure (this is typical behavior, however...just wait until my grandma finds out I'm going...oy!). Apparently, my "wait and see" approach is not helping to calm her nerves any, despite the fact she knows exactly where I'll be and what I'll be doing for the entire trip.

I have always been eager to learn about others' cultures (I even have a BS in International Studies with a European concentration and minored in French to prove it), but nothing compares to going to the individual countries and exploring them for yourself. I am very eager to see Anne Frank's house and the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam, as well as the Bergen-Belsen memorial on the trip Dr. Wasser and co. have planned. The group excursions are what excite me the most (and not just because I didn't have to plan them myself!), for they will give me the opportunity to gain insight into the veterinary world abroad. I am still unsure about what I want to do with my DVM, but if international work is a possibility, I'm all for it!

As to what to expect, I am at a loss. Although I spent a semester in France and traveled a little while I was there, every country is unique in its culture, tradition, atmosphere, etc. I know we will be welcomed with open arms wherever we go, no matter how thick our American accents may be. I am curious to see how the vet schools and private practices compare to ours at home. As for the farms, I know I'll be floored by the amount of hard work they do every day. Having never experienced farm/large/food animal medicine, a lot of this trip will certainly be a great learning eperience for me. Did I mention that I can't wait?!

I guess I should start packing soon?!...A bientot!

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