Saturday, May 22, 2010

Week 1 tips for a sucessful trip

Now that I've been here for almost a week, I figured it would be useful to summarize some key points for future program travelers that I've learned since I arrived. Wish I had known them earlier (but then I wouldn't have hilarious stories to tell everyone)!

1. Learn to like coffee BEFORE you arrive. That way, you can cope with the massive amounts you need to drink in order to keep moving on almost no sleep for 15+ hours a day.

2. Pack multiple sweatshirts in your CARRY ON. It is COLD, and when they lose your luggage you will have nothing to fall back on except your ability to shiver during your numerous outside activities.

3. Taste everything offered! Maybe you don't like beer, but you should taste it anyway because it dulls the pain in your joints after a day of walking and at least you can say you tried. Plus almost always the food you get is tasty even if it looks weird.

4. Be open-minded. Maybe homeopathy isn't your thing, but at least you'll know about it and when that crazy old lady walks into your clinic demanding it, you won't look like an idiot for not having any idea what she's talking about.

5. Conquer all your fears if possible. Yeah, the Cologne Cathedral is ridiculously tall, but when you reach the top and see the whole city spread out beneath you, your heart will stop. And it won't be from fear.

6. Talk to everyone. They have incredible stories, and you will learn a lot about them (and yourself) just by asking a few open ended questions.

7. Stay with host students! It is the most incredible experience ever, plus you might get a breakneck-speed bike ride at 3AM through the streets of Utrecht. Unforgettable.

8. Take good care of your luggage. Otherwise you end up looking ridiculous on the side of the street tying bags together with a scarf while trying not to get run over by Amsterdam bikers.
8A. Watch out for Amsterdam bikers!

9. Buy a decent map. Then you won't be stuck wandering around looking for that elusive hostel when you really want to just curl up in a ball and sleep.

10. Be able to laugh at yourself (and others). It makes those unplanned disasters much less disasterous, and gives you awesome stories to tell the people at home. It also relieves group tension and releases much-needed endorphins.

That's all for now, gotta go tear up Amsterdam while we can!

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