Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's that time again...

The time where I say goodbye to reason, bring my bank account back down to zero, and GO ABROAD! I've been abroad twice before, once to France and Italy for two weeks and once to Belize for a month, and I've learned every experience is different. I also know that I will come back significantly different than when I left, although I don't know yet what will change about me.

What I'm looking forward to about this trip is the mixture of touristy and scholastic things I will do. I can't wait to see all the things my parents have talked about from their multiple trips to Germany, and I am even sort of excited about the fact that for a day or two I'll really be off on my own, since I'm planning to go to Munich the second weekend by myself. We'll see how resourceful I really am. I'll get to revisit the overnight train, which I so despised in France, but I'm 8 years older (and hopefully wiser) now so it will probably be a whole different experience.

I am also excited to see how vet schools and practice are approached in Europe. People keep telling me how different it is, but second-hand stories are just never as good as the real deal. I am also excited to see the zoos, first of all because I LOVE exotic animals and secondly because zoos seem more interesting in other countries.

As excited as I am about going to Germany, I still haven't done a lot of things I need to do, like pack. I have just been enjoying NOT going to school far too much to do anything except watch trashy day-time TV and take naps. Luckily I still have another day or two until I am REALLY down to the wire. Of course I've done all the important things, like downloading 10 or so books to my Kindle, pondered outfits for the BBQ and frat parties we're going to, but there are small details left (for example my passport is still in College Station and I'm in Houston, so I have to go back to get it at some point before I leave!)

I guess to sum it all up, I am not in the least bit nervous,despite the fact that I don't speak a WORD of German. In Belize I figured out that sometimes pretend sign language is just as effective in getting your point across. You just take whatever situation happens and deal with it, and don't let it ruin the trip. I'm of course dreading the ridiculously long plane rid, and wondering whether my computer is going to work so I can Skype my boyfriend, but I am just ready to get out and have some fun and forget about the vast amounts of debt I will owe in 3 years! Oh and learn things. Yea that.

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