Saturday, May 29, 2010

Everyone should take a break from group activities

At least once on the trip. I've been in Munich for a day all by myself, and it is WONDERFUL. I booked a nice hotel and spent the entire day sightseeing. It is natural for there to be group drama on a trip like this, but honestly I needed a break. I took a night train, which I really DON'T recommend. It was late, I got no sleep, and I got to Munich just wanting a bed.

I did not, however, go to sleep. I put in my full day doing touristy things. The Residenz museum was definitely my favorite! I wandered around for several hours, just trying to imagine being rich enough to own all the things in that palace and call somewhere like that home. I also hit up St. Peter's, the Stadtmuseum and of course, gelato! I finished the day with shopping, and checked into the hotel for a well deserved shower and delicious meal. I guess I'm not quite finished yet, as I need to go downstairs now for my massage. Moral of this post: take a break, spend money on yourself, and RELAX!

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