Friday, June 20, 2014

Week 2

Week 2
The day tour of Prague completely changed my mind about the city. Until this point, I was not a very big fan of the city.We had a full day tour that entailed a coach tour, then a walking tour throughout the very nice part of Prague up on the hill, and then got lunch at a quite nice restaurant, and then took a boat tour back to the main Old Town Square. It was very enjoyable, and so beautiful. I
would definitely make time to go back to Prague.Then we went on the train ride back to Berlin, and finally made it back to the hostel at 130 in the morning! It was a very short night, as we had to get up at 430 the next morning to catch our flight to Copenhagen.
The day that we landed in Copenhagen was extremely busy.We started out with getting a tour of Copenhagen University of both the large and small animal clinics. In the small animal clinic, I learned alot of stuff that we do in the US is different from what they do in Denmark. I learned that there are several breeds of dogs that are banned in Denmark, which is quite interesting.We also learned that Brachycephalic breeds have to be proven to have a problem, and you can't breed them if they can proven that they are going to have typical brachycephalic problems. After this, we had a nice dinner at the restaurant in the greenhouse and got to meet our hosts! My host was extremely kind, and offered to drive us places when we needed to go somewhere! Stacie and I were going to have to ride the bus over 2 hours to the clinic we needed to be, but she drove us there! The first day at the clinic, we got to see so many things! We started out watching a laproscopic ovariohysterectomy on two dogs, and they only remove the ovaries in Denmark. After that, we watched another vet remove some masses from some dogs.Then, she performed a splenectomy on a dog who had a splenic mass. It was so interesting to see, because it was her first time to actually perform a splenectomy. She was so calm and confident, and made sure to ligate all the vessels so that there would be no internal bleeding. In the afternoon, we got to see a new puppy check-up for 5 German Shepherd puppies. Everything was going well, until the vet heard a quite loud murmur on one of the puppies.The vet let us listen to the heart as well, and I heard quite a loud murmur. I could even feel the heart murmur when I would put my hands on his chest.That puppy ended up staying the night so that another vet in the morning could look at it and do an echocardiogram.We went home that night with a staff member of the hospital, and ate aVERY good homecooked meal for dinner.They then took us to the beach and got us ice cream. Even though it was quite cold, it was very nice to see the beautiful seawater of Denmark.The next morning we went back to the clinic, and started another interesting day.We got to see a root canal on a German Shepherd, a few dental cleanings with tooth extractions, an entropion surgery, and
then we got to see and help with the vet who was doing the echo on the puppy. When he saw the echo, he wasn't quite sure what was happening with the heart. There was lots of areas with turbulence, indicating that the flow was not going quite the way it should. He found some pulmonic stenosis, and a possible ventricular septal defect, and was thinking it could be Tetralogy of Fallot, but he could not find the overriding aorta, which he said was classic for Tetralogy of Fallot. It's also a quite rare disease.The owners, who were breeders, opted for euthanasia, since the puppy was not expected to live very long anyway.The best learning experience for me on this trip was getting to do a necropsy on this puppy! It was the first time I had done anything like this, and I got to help with it! I was able to cut open the skin over the chest wall, as well as remove the heart from the thoracic cavity.When we first opened the ribcage, we looked at the heart in the body, saw that it was enlarged, and there was alot of pericardial effusion.We then removed the heart from the body, and opened it up to look at the interior of it. Upon examination, we found that there was indeed pulmonic stenosis, resulting in a large amount of right ventricular hypertrophy with hardly any lumen of the right ventricle.The aortic arch was also quite dilated, and the pulmonic trunk seemed to be attached to the aortic arch.There was also a patent foramen ovale, which could have contributed to the turbulence, as well as tricuspid valve insufficiency. So, in conclusion, it seems that there was multiple things wrong with the puppy's heart, which would have made it unable to live a good long life.After this day was over, the staff member drove us back to our host house in Copenhagen, since the clinic where we were was in Naevstad.We got back and had a nice evening seeing the Little Mermaid on the water.The next morning we had a quite nice tour of Copenhagen. I got to ride the public transport for the first time, and that was interesting, because I didn't know you had to get on the bus in the front, and the driver said something to us in Danish, and finally a nice girl told us in English that we couldn't board the bus from the back, and had to get on at the front to validate the ticket and show the bus driver. The tour was wonderful, and I really enjoyed it. I always like getting tours of the cities we are staying in, because it helps me to appreciate the city and buildings and people more.We got lunch at a buffet place in the city, and then met up with the rest of the group to go to Tivoli! I thoroughly enjoyed myself at Tivoli.The very first ride I rode was the demon roller coaster, which was quite enjoyable. Then we rode the Golden Tower, which was the drop from so very up on the tower. It was beautiful to see the city from so high above, but it was also frightening to go down so fast! We then rode the Velocity, which was the scariest ride I think.We went upside down so fast, and it just kept going upside down and faster! After that, we rode the swings, and then we had to go get dinner. Dinner

was quite nice, as we got to eat it with our hosts, and then after we got to ride some more rides in Tivoli. After wearing myself out at Tivoli, I went home, showered, and went to bed to get up in time for our flight back to Berlin. Once we got to Berlin, we found a train station to get on to our train for our weekend inVienna! I'm looking forward to adding another country to list of places I've visited, and I hope that the weather is great for us in Vienna.Til next time! 

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