Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So Many Bugs!

the folks at novartis were kind enough to open their super secret scientific doors to use curious vet kids...fortunately, they didn't open the doors to the breeding cages of fleas, ticks, flies, worms...now, i know i'm gonna be a vet, but all these creepy crawly creatures are still plain gross to me...it was a good wake-up call for my work to come!...i had no idea that novartis makes so many products across the board, from flea/tick preventitive to heart medications...i thought it was very interesting that the company goes through thousands of chemical compounds a week and tests every single one and all its derivatives in order to find the perfect combination...not only that, the integrity testing (with super cool walk-in fridges at obscene climate settings), pill/liquid formation, and even packaging is all done by the various novartis teams...it truly is a cooperative effort in all ways possible...the innovation level is absolutely a1, top-notch...apparently, the hill's research facilities are even more stellar...now that i gotta see!...(this was pre-written before actually being posted)

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