Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Before Germany.....

The last few days have been a whirlwind with all of the preparations for this trip. I think that I am more nervous about traveling such a long distance for such a long time than I am about having everything I need. This is my first trip out of the United States and not only that the longest amount of time that I have been out of Texas. Makes me sound kind of hokey but this is home and I love it here and can not see myself anywhere else.
So, What I am excited about on the Germany trip?
I am excited to see the cultures of the different areas and how this older country has been affected by it inhabitants. Having the opportunity to work with some local practitioners and have the chance to meet some locals will be interesting too.
I just hope that I am able to keep up and take in as much as possible while I am in Germany as well as the surrounding countries so that I can continue to expand my horizons.

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