Saturday, May 10, 2014

Before Auburn Takes Germany

So, I leave. For Germany. In 5 days. That is so crazy to even think about. I can't even begin to describe how I'm feeling. I've never been overseas, so it's definitely a mix-up of emotion: EXCITED, scared, eager, tentative. I've actually never really traveled anywhere, so this is a big stepping stone in and of itself. Secretly, I've always wanted to study abroad but have just never had an opportunity. So, naturally, I have a lot of expectations from the trip but at the same time, I literally have no idea what to expect. Confusing? Yes, I know. Basically, I am hoping to learn more about the veterinarian profession but also learn more about myself. I hope to expand my knowledge in the field of medicine but also of different cultures and people. I want this trip to give me a different, more understanding and knowledgeable outlook on what it means to be a veterinarian and be a part of that community. 

This trip is literally so out of the box for me. I've always been somewhat of a home body with a small part of me that wanted to travel. When Dr. Wasser offered this opportunity to Auburn, I had to jump on it. I decided within minutes of hearing his presentation that I just had to be a part. I had to see another part of the country and another part of our profession. I want to be a well-rounded doctor, and I believe this trip will be an incredible and valuable part of my journey to do so. It'll be a total adventure, and I couldn't be more ready to hop on the plane come Saturday.

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