Monday, June 1, 2015

Hannover and Berlin- Week 2

This week was a bit hecktic because we went to both Hannover and Berlin. I am very pleased that I only have a small wheely suitcase and a backpack to put all my stuff in. I really need to get a big purse though to be able to keep my suveniors our of my backpack.

In Hannover, The overall trip was large animal influnced. I was not all that put off though by it. Yes, I am mainly interested into small animals and exotics but I can still apreciate the work and skill these facilities put in to better the care for the animals and help clients as well. It was very interesting to see a hoof trimming on a cow.

The best part of hannover for me was the zoo. The most intereting thing aboutte zoo was that they are trying to have more interaction between the animals and visitors. Some of the ways they did that was raising certain animals (like the pink pelican) to be use to humans so that visitors can pet them and having boat tours so that visitors can see the animals in a different way and possible more up close. I just hope that the zoo takes care to not take this idea too far. It would not be good to tame a large predator or dangerous animal and an accident happens. However, see all the different animals is always fun for me. ^-^ Especially meerkat babies.

In Berlin, I will admit I was nervous at first because I was getting Brussels vibes (a not soo fun experience). But, Mira kept encouraging   use that Berlin is good and to to just wait until after  the bike tour. I enjoyed that bike tour a lot. It felt soo good to be on a bike again. It was a good way to see a lot of berlin in a shorter amount of time. I will admit my butt hurt after the tour. It was cool to see so much historical sites, including the site of the book buring before WW2.

The tour of the Berlin University Horse clinic/ research facility was interesting, but as stated before not that much into large animals. I do love all the cute little foals running around in the pastures. We got to observe the vets doing ultrasound on mares to see if they are in estrus was cool because I was able to use the repro phys we learned last semester.

We went to the concentration camp that was nearish Berlin. It was a sombering experiance. It was somthing to walk around where they walked so many years ago. It hurt me a lot as a medical person that they had used the disquise of doctors to trick the prisoners into their death. It hur and disturbed me a lot. It brought me into thinking how people are distrusing medicne now. I was afraid to even put up the picture of the measuring stick  execution device so people won't take it out of context and use it as fuel for medicne is not to be trusted even if this was done in a concentration camp during WW2.

The German Parlimant building was very intersting and very interactive. It was really sunny though so it was hard to see a lot of the building the audio guide was trying to tell me.

So week 2 is done, half way through the study abroad program. Wow how time is flying.

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