Thursday, May 14, 2015

Germany Day 0


My name is Kathleen. I am one of the three Texas A&M vet students going to the 2015 Germany study abroad trip. I am from Texas and went to Texas A&M University for my undergrad as a Biomedical Science major (aka BIMS). Very original hu? I am interested in small animal/ small exotic medicine.

I am excited for being able to do this trip. I was unable to do a study abroad trip in my undergrad and had regretted it once I graduated. When I saw a chance to do a study abroad in vet school, I jumped in the chance. There was several choices but I felt like I would experience more from the Germany trip. After the program, I am going to visit my godfather in Italy. I am so excited to visit him, I don't see him very often.

I will admit that I am more nervous than excited. I have only been out of the country once when going with my parents and sister to Venezuela to visit family a few years ago. I am glad that I am going with a group of people I know to Germany but I cant help being nervous. I have been scared by the stories of pick pocketers  and such. I pray that all goes well.

I am sad to leave my family after only being with them for a week after finals. I will miss them and my little hamster Phillipo.  I hope that I don't come back to a chubby hamster . . . I will miss most of all my fiance. I feel so bad for having to do long distance with him again after not seeing each other during April. I hope to find something nice for him in Germany.

Here is hoping that I will have lots of fun on this trip and everything goes well.



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