Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Germany Summer Program

                Whether I am travelling within Texas or globally, half the fun is anticipating the adventures and excitement that I will have exploring new places. Before the trip to Germany, I tried to imagine all the things we would see and do. Frankly, it was a great mental escape from studying. What I failed to think about was all the knowledge I would get on this trip. Yes, I learned a few fun facts about animals, but what I really learned was how many possibilities are out there for veterinarians. I got to see how interconnected the veterinary field is with all other aspects of life. Of course you think of farming and ranching, but public health, government, research, wildlife preservation, and many more opportunities were presented. I knew about a lot of these careers in a peripheral way, but I got to meet with individuals working in these fields and really ask them questions. Furthermore, I got to see how much they loved their jobs, and how passionate they were to share that with our group. What really intrigued me was that some of these people were in their second (or third) career within veterinary medicine. They may have been a large animal practitioner and were now working on government  policy. It made me realize that the choices I make now in regards to my path within veterinary medicine are important, but not final. Lastly, after returning home I started an internship. I had a mentor doctor who was polite and nice and we worked well together, but we weren’t social. One day not long after I started, I brought my lunch in a canvas tote I got at the Cologne Zoo. I walked in the door and my mentor doctor got really excited and started asking questions about my trip to Germany. It turns out that she had gone on the same trip 5 years previous to mine. After that we became friends and I got lots of experience working with her. I guess it goes to show that what you get out of an experience isn’t always immediate. Sometimes you have wait and see where the experience takes you...

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