Saturday, September 1, 2012

Reminiscing on the Summer

   Once the glow fades and the last bags are unpacked with their contents put away the realization sets in. The trip is over and normal life ensues. The experiences that we had start to become foggy to where only the big important ones are remembered. It was an indrecible experience that will never be forgotten and things were seen and done that would never have happened here, in the US.
   One of the biggest changes that took place was how my view of Veterinary Medicine has changed. What I once thought of as an exact science has developed into an open mind willing to accept multiple views on how Veterinary Medicine works. With this knowledge  I feel as though my education is no longer limited to that which I receive in the classroom or at clinics. 
   The experiences had and the friendships made cannot be described in a few paragraphs or even a few pages, it would take a whole book to document everything. By far it was an experience I will never forget and one that I would recommend to anyone that even might be entertaining the idea of going that they do as much as possible to try and go. I know many people are concerned about the cost but truly and honestly the debt or work required to make the money is well worth it. Plus with vet school being so expensive the extra expense really doesn't add up to being so much.
   Overall it was an eye-opening learning experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. The time spent there was not even close to enough and the things we did are ones that I would have never dreamed of doing. It is something that I believe is almost necessary for our Veterinary education and will enhance our skills as Doctors considerably. In all it was a time period of my life I will never forget.

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