Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Coming to a close

I can't believe it is already the fifth day of June. I can't believe I will be going home in about 48 hours - even if I am more than ready to hop on that plane. This trip has been an amazing experience and there are relatively few things that I would do differently.

Yesterday we went to a duck hatchery in Potsdam very early in the morning. It was an interesting facility and left me feeling a little more stunned and wary about the food-animal industry. The day-old or even hours-old chicks were taken from dark little rooms where they lived with 50 of their closest friends in crates stacked high on top of one another and put into a conveyor belt counting system that put them into another set of crates to be shipped off to the fattening farms. A few would escape and run away as fast as they could and I saw one poor duckling sitting in the corner trembling and looking dazed. The candling process was the most interesting thing there as it was a huge table that could candle 120 eggs at once. Overall, it was a valuable experience. I am most definitely finding on this trip that the veterinary medical education is much broader than I ever imagined. We have to know just as much it seems about our patients' anatomy and physiology as how they are raised and slaughtered and all the details that go into the agriculture and human health safety of that.

Today we will be attending some lectures and I have heard good things about the lecturer for the course on the eye. This afternoon is free, but I am not feeling well, so I may just go home and rest for a while. And tomorrow we visit the Wildlife center. I am really excited about practicing my darting skills!

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