This week has given me a peek into the "alternative" jobs that veterinarians can hold outside of practicing in a clinic. I thought that the Bayer trip was pretty interesting although the length of the lectures were a little long for me. The animals were nice to see. I was a little comforted by the fact that the research animals were so well taken care of. The kennels were really clean and large...much larger than any I've seen in American shelters. It still doesn't make sense to me that animals that are used in research are bred for that sole purpose. I think the last thing the world needs is more dogs that take the homes of shelter dogs. I mean I guess they are bred with a job to do but I don't really agree.
The Novartis trip was fantastic. I really enjoyed seeing the labs in the pharmaceutical department and animals in the research center. The way they explained to us how many steps it takes to research and develop a drug really made me appreciate what it takes for a drug to make it to the market. I like how the company makes it a goal to improve animal health and integrate into their work everyday. The animals though perhaps a little less clean than Bayer seemed real...that is to say I felt that was a working real lab. I remember in my days working with my mice labs...the labs were messy here and there because people did a lot of work there.
I'd have to say after the trip to Novartis, I could definitely see myself going into industry if I ever tired of practicing in a clinic...especially for them!
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